
Living in the southern coastal regions of the Overworld, Sasha is up-front, sassy, and agile, often taunting his opposition to get them riled up and attacks at opportune moments.

While he has no problem dispatching his enemies with conventional firearms and melees, he prefers to leave the "sciencey crap" to his friend, Martha. Due to this mindset, he typically tosses energy weaponry aside and typically leaves Martha to deal with the more technical stuff for him. The whole "giving the smart raccoon girl the complicated stuff" philosophy applies to heavy weaponry, which he can't use effectively without it becoming cumbersome.

Of course, their relationship goes two ways. In exchange for the complicated weapons and machines, Sasha handles the spotlight for Martha, compensating for her shyness and preference to work in the background, away from all the attention.


Age Gender Species
30 Male Fox


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