
Brought into the world within the confines of the Coast, Dianne is a self-loathing, cynical fox that guzzles down wine like there's no tomorrow. In fact, she drinks so often that she carries around empty wine bottles to use as backup weapons since she has so much lying around.

Possibly due to the heat of the Coast or her trying to reduce the weight she carries around, she usually only wears one or two layers of clothing.

She lives in Rose's coastal home where she receives care (and attempted rehabilitation so she can stop torturing her liver so much) from Rose, in exchange for helping her with more dangerous tasks. In order to carry out those dangerous tasks which may involve fighting, she would instead opt to wear her cloak and mask to maintain anonymity and to have extra space for her supplies.

Dianne also has the tendency to pull the most outlandish and outright brainless stunts specifically to annoy Rose.


Age Gender Species
28 Female Fox


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